
Coles Supermarkets
Anne Mackenzie was the Chief Project Manager for the Greening of Coles Big Energy Project (BEP). A partnership between the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Tourism & Resources Energy Efficiency Best Practice (EEBP) program and Coles Supermarkets was established to assist in producing Australia's greenest supermarket. The aim of the project was to adopt a holistic approach to developing an energy assessment framework to minimise energy consumption taking into account thermal comfort. This supermarket is known as “G1” and opened in 2005 in Gisborne, Victoria, Australia.
In addition to project management for the Scoping and Innovation Workshop phases, Anne Mackenzie performed the Data Collection and Analysis phase of the project. Anne produced the background paper and regression analysis report, and commissioned the monitoring report. The Greening of Coles team commented:
“For the first time we can now predict what the energy savings will be if we use particular technologies. Previously we knew that air locks saved energy, but this regression model lets us accurately predict what those savings will be. This greatly helps the business case and obtaining the investment funds needed for new energy savings initiatives.”
For more information, download the Case Study (PDF format, 297KB)
Project Homes
Project homes are currently under development using Thermomass systems to provide comfortable, well insulated, cost effective residential homes.
Image © 2004 Composite Systems (Aust) Pty Ltd
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